Student Newspaper
Valley Cutlass is the Cotopaxi School's student newspaper, a chronicle of what’s happening at Cotopaxi as reported by the students. Students write, report and photograph each issue with editing and guidance from High School English teacher Mrs. Coleman. Issues are published each month, and distributed in print to students and staff, and available online for the wider community.
This class is offered as an English elective for high school students.
Valley Cutlass Mission
The mission of the Valley Cutlass is to inform, educate, entertain readers, and to provide an educational opportunity for the students who produce the publication. We are a student-run publication and a forum for student expression. Any written expression is not an expression of Cotopaxi Public School Board policy.
The staff of the Valley Cutlass invites your comments, especially in the form of letters to the editor. We ask that you keep your letters to approximately 250 words. Only letters that are signed by the author will be considered for publishing.