Remote Learning - November 4th through 29th

The district has learned of additional positive cases of COVID-19. Nurse Debbie is conducting case investigations and will advise individuals on the need to quarantine and arrange for possible testing if chosen. After consulting with Fremont Public Health, the district has decided as a precautionary measure to temporarily transition all grade levels (PK-12) to remote learning starting November, 8th, 2021. The earliest students would return to school in-person would be after Thanksgiving Break, on Monday, November 29th, 2021. We will continue to monitor the situation and Public Health recommendations and will send any updates to families as they become available.

Tomorrow, November 4th, 2021 will be a mental health day.  All grade levels (PK-12) will have the day off (no in-person or remote learning) to give everyone a chance to regroup and recuperate. 

Supply Pick-up

We have done our best to ensure all students were sent home with all the required materials to learn remotely. However, if your child was absent or otherwise requires additional materials, please reach out to the office at (719) 942- 4131 to make arrangements to pick up these materials.

Remote Learning

All students at Cotopaxi School will participate in remote learning during this closure.  Students need to log into their Google Classrooms daily and follow teacher instruction. Attendance will be taken and submitted daily. There will be several times daily that each child will logon to a Google Meet link where he/she will join classmates and the teacher for live instruction.  There will also be assignments for students to work on offline.  Synchronous (live) remote learning will begin for all students on Monday, November 8 to allow for students to receive the necessary materials. Please have your child log into Google Classroom on Monday to see information from their teachers. Elementary parents can consult the remote learning guide here.

If your student is having trouble accessing their Google Meets or is experiencing technical or internet issues, please contact their teacher first for a resolution. Failing this, please contact the office at (719) 942-4131 to ensure this does not count against their attendance.

If your family does not have internet access or has limited internet access, please reach out to the office at (719) 942- 4131 to make other arrangements.

Meal Distribution

On Tuesday, November 9 and Tuesday, November 16 the school will distribute, free of charge, meals for the time Cotopaxi Schools will be on 100% remote learning. Meals include the 4 days of breakfast and lunch for each student and will be distributed at different stations throughout the District. The stations will include the Cotopaxi School, Howard Volunteer Fire Department, Coaldale Community Center and the Y Bus Stop  (CR27A & CR28) between 4-6 pm.  If these times or locations do not work, please contact Devin Gulliford to make different arrangements.  Further details and updates on this distribution will be made available on Monday, November 8.  Please contact Food Service Director, Devin Gulliford at (719) 207-1645 with any questions. 


Athletes and parents, please look for updates and information from your coaches.  


  • Attendance will be taken during Google Meets and submitted daily by the teachers. 
  • Participation, conduct, and etiquette expectations remain the same as if we were in person learning at school. 
  • If your student becomes sick during the school closure please reach out to Nurse Debbie at (719) 942-4131 ext. 237.

While we recognize this shift was unexpected, we are Pirate Strong. Please know this step has been taken only after thoughtful consideration and deep discussions with many who are invested in both the education and well-being of our students. Our goal is to return to in person learning as soon as possible while staying safe.  

Thank you and please let us know if we can help in any way.