Security Incident Update - November 16, 2021

Please read the following letter from our Superintendent, Danielle Van Esselstine: 

RE: Follow-up Report from November 2, 2021 notice of security breach

Dear Parents, Community and Staff:

It has been a couple weeks since our security breach and therefore I am writing to follow up with the steps that have taken place since November 1st. These following steps have been taken to address this incident and security concerns in general to minimize future risks;

  • Deputy Roquemore along with our SRO Deputy Glen, have continued to be involved in the investigation of the incident. The Sheriff’s office is still investigating the circumstances and individual involved. A “no trespass” order was issued. 
  •  Front desk staff have been retrained by me personally to adhere to the visitor guidelines, expectations and our Emergency Response Plan. The importance of consistent application and enforcement of these requirements were stressed and reiterated.
  • A staff meeting was held to discuss this incident and school safety reminders were presented. Staff discussed expectations as well as solutions within their designated monthly meetings. Detailed reminders were presented to staff in our staff weekly reflections.
  • Teachers will return to monitoring the side middle and high school entrances between passing periods, before and after school. The schedule is posted for staff.  Teachers will verbally reinforce expectations for school safety protocols with their students to ensure consistent practices.
  • All staff will work collaboratively to ensure safety measures and expectations are followed.
  • We will work with the District Safety Committee as well as the DAC subcommittee on school safety and recommendations. 
  • We will continue to work with Sheriff’s Office and the Fremont Emergency Management Office on training, retraining and proper security measures. 

All incidents are taken very seriously and we appreciate your patience as we work to improve our safety measures. Please feel free to contact me at or at 719-942- 4131 if you have any questions. 


Danielle Van Esselstine