Title Night - February 16th and 17th

The Cotopaxi School and Title I Department will be hosting a Title Night - Math. Choose which night you'd like to attend. All parents and children are welcome to attend.


February 16th - Kindergarten through Fifth Grade

February 17th - Kindergarten through Fifth Grade

Families also have the option to attend via Zoom at the following links: 

February 16:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96186601485?pwd=RHppMzQ5TjVwK1Y3azJTVFNnZzZDZz09

Meeting ID: 961 8660 1485
Passcode: 4VBKTT

February 17: 

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97916026652?pwd=UjRKUkpXZjQwcXhvTFFJKy82VU9YQT09

Meeting ID: 979 1602 6652
Passcode: 0CPjNQ

In case you were unable to attend the information session, you may view the slideshow at the link below: 
