A big Pirate 'Thank You' to KSBV 93.7 FM "The River Rat" for helping congratulate our 2021 Graduating Seniors! A special thanks goes out to the sponsors that made this possible: Lone Wolf Disposal, KT Sales and Construction, Rock n Row, Bighorn Park, Cutty's Resort, and the Howard General Store!
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Congratulations to Mrs. Schoech on her retirement after 22 years of dedicated and inspired service to the students of the Cotopaxi School. The Pirate family celebrates, treasures, and remains grateful to you for always teaching with generosity and a smile. Here’s to lots of fun and happiness in the years ahead!
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Cotopaxi Early Learning Center is winding down for the year. Tuesday, May 25th will be the student’s last day of preschool for the year. Tuesday will be a fun day for the children, outdoor activities will be the focus with a small roller coaster, small bounce house, preschool’s version of horseshoes, bubbles, etc. We hope everyone has a safe and wonderful summer! We’ll see you again in August!
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Early Learning Center
The graduating class of 2034!  Wyatt, Olivia, Elli and Odin.
While digging at preschool, Wyatt found a worm!
Elli and Olivia take a break from playing.
Digging adventures at preschool with Odin and Wyatt.
Kindergarten went on a math hunt for 10 items to fill their bag. When we got back to the room they counted their items for the class. The class has been counting by 10's so this reinforced the lesson. (In a fun way!!)
over 3 years ago, Kindergarten Class
Kindergarten Math Hunt
Cotopaxi – Strings of Success -- Please consider donating to the fundraiser for our Cotopaxi Music Department. Funds raised will go toward establishing a guitar program for our students. Link: https://gofund.me/1be550ff
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
It is awards time! Please note the following times for awards ceremonies by grade level: HIGH SCHOOL AWARDS – May 25 – 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM in the HS GYM MIDDLE SCHOOL AWARDS – May 27 – 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM in the HS GYM 1ST AND 2ND GRADE AWARDS – May 27 – 2:00 PM TO 2:45 PM in the MP Room 3RD THROUGH 5TH GRADE AWARDS – May 27 – 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM in the MP Room We encourage our parents to attend and celebrate our students’ academic achievements!
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
First-grade students enjoyed a day full of fun during field day. They ran an obstacle course, sack races, played volleyball, and a fun game of tug of war. They enjoyed being out of the classroom and using their brainpower to work their muscles. They cannot wait until next year. Of course, we were so busy having fun we have no pictures to share.
over 3 years ago, First Grade
Our Cotopaxi 8th graders have been working diligently on their Civil War website. The photo is a sneak peek at the work students have been doing!
over 3 years ago, Ryan Christensen
The Civil War
A local Pirate supporter showed his support for the class of 2021 by posting a sign for them to see on their last few days of school!
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Senior Sign with words of encouragment.
The end of the year is fast approaching! Please note the following dates and locations for student Chromebook and charger turn ins for each grade: SENIORS - May 18 & 19 - Mrs. Coleman's class JUNIORS - May 24 - Mrs. Coleman's class SOPHMORES - May 25 - Mrs. Coleman's class FRESHMAN - May 24 - Mrs. Coleman's class 6TH, 7TH & 8TH GRADE - May 25 - MS PE class
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
7th grade has come back swinging on Monday to get ready for their portion of the virtual concert next week! Very proud of these students and their resilience!
over 3 years ago, Taylor Ouzts
Reading and/or looking at books is a part of the preschool’s daily routine. After breakfast, we Drop Everything And Read. The kids sit down with books from the classroom library and will tell us their version of the story by looking at the pictures.
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Early Learning Center
Drew and Laine show each other what book they are looking at.
Odin was looking at “Jungle Safari” , a book about the different animals that live in the jungle when he  found  this  at the end of the book! He makes a great Safari Hunter!
The preschoolers are showing us the correct way to hold their books in their laps!
Informational parent meetings and class selection for the 2021-22 school year is right around the corner! Parents AND students need to attend one of the following meetings: Seniors (Class of 2022)- Wednesday- May 19 at 6 p.m. Juniors (Class of 2023)- Thursday- May 20 at 6 p.m. Sophomores (Class of 2024)- Monday- May 24 at 6 p.m. Freshmen (Class of 2025)- Monday- May 25 at 7 p.m. All meetings will take place in the MPR. If you have questions or are unable to attend, please contact Mary Christensen at mchristensen@cotopaxire3.org.
over 3 years ago, School Counselor
class registration
Today is School Nurse Day! School nurses serve as a critical health hub for students, ensuring that students are ready for learning by managing complex chronic conditions; identifying and addressing mental health issues; leveling the field on health disparities and promoting healthy behaviors; enrolling children in health insurance and connecting families to healthcare providers; handling medical emergencies…and now, navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic by testing, tracking and vaccinating students and school personnel. It has been my pleasure to serve as your school nurse this year. Stay well and have a great summer! Debbie Eggleston - Cotopaxi School Nurse
over 3 years ago, School Nurse
National School Nurse Day
Our schools are safe. As a precautionary measure we moved our secondary students to remote learning through Wednesday, May 12th, with a return to in-person on Thursday, May 13th. We did experience an increase in our student COVID-19 positive cases, and per current guidelines the appropriate persons were isolated and direct contacts were quarantined. With these precautions in place our goal is to enable our students to finish out the end of the school year in person and participate in end of year and graduation celebrations. Thank you to our students, staff and community for your continued patience as we navigate the remainder of this unprecedented school year together.
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
CAPTAIN ZIP LINE is looking for responsible summer employees! Must be at least 16 years old to apply. Please call Jess at 1-877-ZIP-LINE for more information!
over 3 years ago, School Counselor
More Summer Job Opportunities!!! Arkansas River Tours (A.R.T.) has full and part-time positions available: Front Desk/Reservation Agent; Kitchen Staff/Coordinator. If interested, please contact Tex at 719-942-4362 or email tex@arkansasrivertours.com.
over 3 years ago, School Counselor
Looking for a SUMMER JOB???? The Royal Gorge Bridge and Park is having a job fair on May 7th from 12-4 p.m. !! To apply online or for more information, please visit www.royalgorgebridge.com. Must be at least 16 years old to apply.
over 3 years ago, School Counselor
While they are hungry for a home grown salad, 5th Grade is about 2-3 weeks away from our first harvest.
over 3 years ago, 5th Grade
hungry kiddos
This is a reminder that COVID-19 testing is available today at Cotopaxi School from 10 am -4pm. It is a drive through event, free of charge and open to the entire community. Both Fremont Public Health and Nurse Debbie strongly recommend that all secondary (6th-12th) students be tested because of the number of positive cases among the student body. Again this testing is open to anyone in the community free of charge and you do NOT have to be ill to be tested.
over 3 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools