The 8th grade Industrial Arts class have been learning a computer-aided design software in which they are creating skateboards! Once proficient, they will be able to design their own woodworking projects.
over 1 year ago, Justin Payne - Industrial Arts Teacher
Our World History class has just completed an Indo-European portfolio! They had multiple stories to write, a map to create of the location of many different Indo-European people, and a unique artistic presentation.
over 1 year ago, Ryan Christensen
First-grade students are studying lights and sound. They have experimented with string to see how it makes different sounds with varying tension. They have also created fish suncatchers to see how light passes through different materials.
over 1 year ago, First Grade
Kindergarten students started their first STEM project of the year! They tried building a tower using only pencils and clothes pins. After trying their first versions and learning some new techniques, they will try round two this week.
over 1 year ago, Lesley Carroll
Every Wednesday elementary PE classes participate in a walking classroom program where they listen to podcast lessons on health and the body while exercising. Most students get between 1800 and 2500 steps in a lesson. What a beautiful landscape we have here at Cotopaxi Schools. ~ Ms. Collins
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Cotopaxi CO. & Physical Education
In celebration of the start of the school year, the Colorado Rockies would like to invite students, teachers, family, and friends to enjoy some fall baseball and support your local community. Join us at Coors Field for our Back-to-School Fall Fundraiser from Friday, September 29th – Sunday, October 1st! Discounted tickets starting at just $12 – available only at · Includes $2 per ticket back to participating school district foundations * Friday, Sept. 29 6:10PM -Post Game Fireworks * Saturday, Sept. 30 6:10PM- Colorado Rockies City Connect Game Day * Sunday, Oct. 1 1:10PM-Fan Appreciation Day
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Rockies back to school
The high school newspaper class has been diligently working hard to put together their first official newspaper this year. From designing to editing, this group is learning it all. The Valley Cutlass should be distributed and available at local post offices soon. For all current and last year's digital versions of the newspaper, please find a link on the school's website at
over 1 year ago, Tiffany Coleman - CHS English
Samantha Bernsen is excited about sharing her first articles with the community.
The Valley Cutlass staff work hard to meet their first deadline.
Cotopaxi Early Leaning Center had Tammy Nuss as a guest speaker to talk about bus safety! We talked about ways to stay safe while on the bus and waiting to get on the bus. She provided all the kids with a coloring book and colored crayons. Each child was asked a bus safety question and they also received a pencil. To end the presentation, we all practiced getting on the bus and went for a ride to Coaldale and back. The kids did a great job following directions and were safe getting off the bus when we returned to the preschool! Thank you Mrs. Tammy!!
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Early Learning Center
Mrs. Tammy reviewing the bus safety booklet!
The art room just received a new pottery wheel we received funding for through Donor's Choose. The wheel will be used by the high school ceramics class as well as other classes to expand their experience working with clay.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Art Department
Everyone in the Automotive Basics course learned how to change a tire last week. Each student was able to effectively remove a tire and put on the spare.
over 1 year ago, Justin Payne - Industrial Arts Teacher
This week, 5th grade is starting a project-based learning unit focusing on the movement of matter and how energy flows in an ecosystem, culminating in a short presentation. After discovering food chains, food webs, and the movement of energy starting at the sun, students will select an ecosystem. They will become the experts on the movement of energy through their ecosystem and present/share their findings with the class.
over 1 year ago, Josh Ellis
This quarter is flying by at super speed. Several Middle school students are working on their first paper that will be entered into a writing competition called Patriot's Pen. The theme this year is " How are you inspired by America?"
over 1 year ago, Middle School Language Arts
A gentle reminder to families to please ensure children are dropped off no earlier than 7:40 AM as staff supervision is not available until then. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our students safe and well-supervised. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
2023-2024 Fall Sports Team photos will be on Thursday, September 28, 2023 in the afternoon. Forms can be found under the Documents icon, then the Athletics folder. Game day photo information can also be found under the Athletics folder.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Drive Safely Assembly Date: 9/13/2023 Time: 1:30 pm Location: School Gymnasium 9th-12th Grade
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Drive Safe Assembly
Homecoming Week 9.12.23-9.14.23 Elementary- 9.12.23, Tuesday- Pajama Day 9.13.23, Wednesday- Crazy Hair Day 9.14.23, Thursday- EXTREME Purple & Gold Day 💜💛
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
SDCEA, our electricity provider is currently working on a disruption to our service area. They have communicated that power will be restored within 20 minutes.
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
BOARD MEETING POSTPONED: The Special School Board Meeting originally scheduled for tonight has been postponed. A rescheduled date will be posted once it is determined.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Local food resource information can be found on the news section of our website. Also, our backpack program will be delivering bags of food to Cotopaxi Schools, which will be made available for pick up on Friday 2-4p.m. & Saturday at the school 12:30 to 2p.m. Loaves and Fishes will also be supplying non-perishable and produce items for pick up on Friday and Saturday (this week) as well. Feel free to stop by!
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
REMOTE LEARNING: We regret to inform you that the remote learning period will be extended to tomorrow, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. Grades 6-12 will be on remote learning. For grades PK-5, if your child’s teachers sent them home with work, please have them complete it and turn in upon return to school. The school has sufficient and safe water, however unexpected issues have come up in the integration of a new cistern system. We hope to have students return to in-person learning by Monday, however we will continue to monitor the situation and will send any updates to families as they become available. Please watch for instructional updates from your child’s teacher(s), and if you have any questions please contact them directly. For additional information on remote learning procedures and schedules, please check the school website. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools