BOARD MEETING LIVE: https://youtube.com/live/6wih_Tatpi0?feature=share

In honor of Veterans Day on Saturday, tomorrow 11-9-23 will be a wear red, white, and blue spirit day. We are grateful to all those who have served our country. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Kindergarten is counting 100 ways our class cares! We will be practicing counting skills while also shouting each other out for caring. Our class talked about the ways we show we care, which are through compassion, gratitude and helpfulness.

NOTICE: The 2nd-5th Grade classrooms experienced issues this morning with one of the rooftop heating units, causing lower temperatures inside classrooms. The unit is now operating correctly, and classroom temperatures are returning to normal.

Physics brings out the scientist in us all. Here students are trying to measure the period of a pendulum as exact as possible. The period is the time it takes to swing one full swing, back and forth. Using different string lengths and masses, they were able to figure out the relationship between the period of the pendulum and other aspects of the pendulum. It’s always surprising to find that mass doesn’t matter in this relationship.

2 HOUR DELAY: Due to snowfall and expected weather conditions in areas of the district, all grades, PK-12 will operate on a 2 HOUR DELAY tomorrow, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30. Buses will run two hours later than normally scheduled. Classes will start at 9:55 AM. Breakfast will not be provided.
Elementary students will report to their teachers in the cafeteria. Middle School students should report to the MPR before classes. High School students should report to the High School Gym before classes.
If conditions change overnight an update will be sent out tomorrow morning.

Halloween celebrations will take place on Tuesday, 10.31.23
Secondary students can be in school-appropriate costumes for the day. No masks or weapon costume accessories allowed.
For Elementary students:
1:45 El. students can begin changing into costumes
2:45-3:15- We will have a Halloween Parade for K-5.
Parents/Guardians please sign-in at the front office to watch the parade or take part in Elementary class parties.
No video or photographs are taken during the parade since some students do not have permissions for a photo/media release. Thank you!
3:15-3:50- Classroom parties
Enjoy your time, and Happy Halloween!

On Wednesday November 1, 2023, at 6:00 in the school cafeteria, Mr. Henry Roman from McPherson and Jacobson will be at the school to conduct interviews with all stakeholders for our Superintendent search that is being conducted this year. The Board would like to invite all of our community to meet with him and let him know what qualities you would like to see in a new Superintendent, along with answering other questions he has.

Middle and High School Industrial Arts students have been working diligently priming, painting and caulking dog houses to be entered into the silent auction at the Fall Festival! Come out and take a look at what we have to offer!

The master of allegory, Dr. Seuss, has been the topic of discussion in English I and English IV recently. Both classes are learning how to identify allegorical connections in stories and have used Seuss’s “Yertle the Turtle” and “The Sneetches” as core texts in doing so. An allegory is a story that has several levels of meaning: on one level it may be a fictional story, but on another level it contains a symbolic meaning and/or hidden message. Making connections in stories like these helps the students to understand how to analyze and interpret more complex stories and novels in the future.

Kindergarten completed their first STEM project. They worked with a team to build a tower using only pencils and clothes pins. It was a challenge but through perseverance and learning from other teams all the groups were able to build their tower. Way to go, kinders!

We've listed the older and excess equipment and buses for auction on GovDeals.com. If you're interested , take a look and consider placing a bid. Follow the link below, or enter 25467 into the search bar on GovDeals.com to see what is available for auction. https://tinyurl.com/rxxfcn9h

This Friday our MS Volleyball will be participating in the WCL Tournament at CCV. Their first game will be against Custer at 10 AM. View the full bracket schedule at the following link: https://5il.co/279wo

Say hello to parent-teacher chat and classroom
announcements in the Cotopaxi Re3 app. Now it’s easier
than ever to stay up-to-date with the district, schools,
AND with your student’s teachers and classes.
Parents and guardians will soon receive instructions via
email to create their login to access Rooms within the
district app.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/331Bk1r
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3pTs89k

Students can apply to college for FREE from Tuesday, Oct. 17 through Thursday, Oct. 19 as part of Colorado Free Application Days!
What are Colorado Free Application Days?
Colorado Free Application Days happen from Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023, through Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023 only. All public and some private institutions of higher education will waive application fees during that time. Community, two-year, and technical colleges have free applications year-round.
How does it work?
Students must submit completed admissions applications from Oct. 17-19. Any admissions applications that have been started but not submitted may not be granted a waiver. Any other admission documents that are not part of the actual admission application that institutions may require (for example, high school transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.) can be submitted before or after Oct. 19.
Each institution has a unique process to waive the admissions application submission fee. Visit the Colorado Free Application Day webpage to find specific information by institution.
Who should I contact if I have questions or technical difficulties?
If you encounter technical problems when submitting your admissions application, please contact the Admissions Office of your school of choice. Contact information is listed on their websites, which you can find on our Colorado Free Application Day webpage.

We have lots of PIRATE activity this weekend! Come out to support your Cotopaxi Pirates! Friday MS Volleyball vs. South Park @ 10 a.m. HS Volleyball vs. Custer @ 5 p.m. Saturday MS Football vs. Pikes Peak Christian @11 a.m. MS Volleyball vs. Pikes Peak Christian @ 11 a.m. HS Volleyball vs. Pikes Peak Christian @ 12 (JV), 1 (V) All games are played at HOME this weekend

The high school Computer Science class created a few pixel art images last week. Pixel art is a style where individual pixels serve as the building blocks that make up the image. Ironically, they did this by first creating a smaller version, then using paper squares they replicated it on the gym floor.

BOARD MEETING LIVE: https://youtube.com/live/4DleHnjKOwQ?feature=share

Middle school kids are preparing for the district's new implementation of student-led conferences. Students are asked to attend conferences with you so they can share an active role in their academic progress and growth with you. This is new for the students and teachers and I look forward to working through this process with them.

High school art students have been working on Cubist-inspired mixed media masks. Cubism was inspired by African masks. One of the goals of Cubism was to show multiple angles of an object at the same time. Students used cardboard and acrylic paint to create their masks.