WINTER CONCERT FURTHER POSTPONED Due weather conditions throughout the district, the Winter Concert will be further POSTPONED to MONDAY, DECEMBER 18TH. The venue and time will remain the same.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Winter Spirit Days! 12/13, 12/14, 12/18, 12/19 🌲
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Holiday Spirit Days
2 HOUR DELAY: Due to snowfall and expected weather conditions in areas of the district, all grades, PK-12 will operate on a 2 HOUR DELAY tomorrow, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14TH. Buses will run two hours later than normally scheduled. Classes will start at 9:55 AM. Breakfast will not be provided. Elementary students will report to their teachers in the cafeteria. Middle School students should report to the MPR before classes. High School students should report to the High School Gym before classes. If conditions change overnight an update will be sent out tomorrow morning.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
WINTER CONCERT POSTPONED: Due to snowfall and road conditions, the PK-12 Winter Concert scheduled for tonight at 6 PM has been POSTPONED to tomorrow, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 . The time and venue remain the same. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and flexibility. Safety is our top priority, and we look forward to celebrating our winter concert under safer conditions.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Students mark the separated plant pigments from spinach leaves. Chromatography is a method used to separate molecules for further study. In Biology II, students used the method to detect the presence of different plant pigments, including chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, in spinach leaves. This lab was to help build an understanding photosynthesis.
over 1 year ago, Cindy Riedel
Students marking chromatography paper.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Kindergarten students finished up a Thanksgiving STEM project where they had to hide a turkey. They learned some very interesting facts about turkeys in the process.
over 1 year ago, Lesley Carroll
STEM project
STEM project
STEM project
STEM project
STEM project
STEM project
Cotopaxi SnoRiders, ski season is HERE! Check out all information at this link below. The first ski date is coming up soon. Don't miss out on this great opportunity ⛷️🎿⛷️
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
NOTICE: The 2nd-5th Grade classrooms are currently experiencing issues with one of the rooftop heating units, causing lower temperatures inside classrooms. The other rooftop unit is still operational, and there are space heaters available as needed. We are monitoring temperatures, and our HVAC service provider is aware . We hope to ensure repairs will be completed as soon as possible.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Our Angel Tree is up and looking for a few more supporters. Stop by the front office to check in and visit our tree! 🎄🎄
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Angel Tree
Notification: High school basketball practices will continue to be closed practices. This means only teammates and coaches at practice. This helps with eliminating distractions. Thank you for your continued support.
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
The Cotopaxi School welcomes parents, students, and community members to attend the Winter Band Concert on Wednesday, December 13th at 6 PM in the Multipurpose Room (MPR) The evening will include performances by PK through 4th Grade, as well as the 5th - 12th Grade bands.
over 1 year ago, Leonard Jacome
The Cotopaxi School welcomes parents, students and community members to attend the Winter Band Concert on Wednesday, December 13th at 6 PM in the Multipurpose Room (MPR)  The evening will include performances by PreK through 4th Grade, as well as the 5th - 12th Grade bands.
Notification: Local law enforcement and school administration collaborated today to respond to a Safe2Tell to ensure continued safety of our staff and students. Safe2Tell Colorado provides students and adults in Colorado the ability to report concerning behaviors by making safe, ANONYMOUS reports. 1-877-542-7233 or
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Eighth grade is finishing up their figurative language unit. They are learning how to incorporate this into their writing. Figurative language is a literary device that uses words or phrases for effect, humorous, or exaggeration purposes instead of their literal translation. It is commonly used to create an emotional reaction, especially in fiction, and to make reading more enjoyable.
over 1 year ago, Middle School Language Arts
Gobble, Gobble! Happy Thanksgiving from the Cotopaxi Early Learning Center! Melissa, Steven's mom gave us a project for the kids to make. They made turkey headbands to wear for Thanksgiving! The kids enjoyed putting them together and especially liked wearing them to the big school!
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Early Learning Center
The kids made these headbands and were about to head down to the big school!
The preschoolers wore their turkey headbands to the winter concert practice in the music room.
Marsupials visit 2nd graders today! Thank you for visiting us Wee Pocket Sanctuary!
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Winston the Wallaby
Penny the wallaby
High school art students worked in groups to create paper sculptures of animals using various forms.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Art Department
High School Art Paper Sculptures
High School Art Paper Sculptures
High School Art Paper Sculptures
High School Art Paper Sculptures
High School Art Paper Sculptures
High School Art Paper Sculptures
Thank you South Central BOCES for our sensory walk in our elementary hallway! Students will be very excited to see their colorful hallway, and work all their senses right outside their classes.😊
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Sensory Walk
Title 1 night tonight! A great evening of learning about more reading resources and fun reading skill building! Reach out to Ms. Kris Schoech, our Title 1 teacher for more information.
over 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Title 1 Night
Title 1 Night
Title 1 night
NOTICE: The 2nd-5th Grade classrooms are currently experiencing issues with one of the rooftop heating units, causing lower temperatures inside classrooms. The other rooftop unit is still operational, and there are space heaters available as needed. We are monitoring temperatures, and our HVAC service provider is aware . We hope to ensure repairs will be completed as soon as possible.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools