about 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
From the Cotopaxi Music Department, we are preparing for the Spring Concert. In addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly. We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role in the community. We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
about 1 year ago, Leonard Jacome
From the Music Department of Colegio Cotopaxi, we begin to prepare for the next Spring Concert, in addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly.  We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role for the community.  We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
From the Music Department of Colegio Cotopaxi, we begin to prepare for the next Spring Concert, in addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly.  We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role for the community.  We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
From the Music Department of Colegio Cotopaxi, we begin to prepare for the next Spring Concert, in addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly.  We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role for the community.  We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
From the Music Department of Colegio Cotopaxi, we begin to prepare for the next Spring Concert, in addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly.  We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role for the community.  We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
From the Music Department of Colegio Cotopaxi, we begin to prepare for the next Spring Concert, in addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly.  We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role for the community.  We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
From the Music Department of Colegio Cotopaxi, we begin to prepare for the next Spring Concert, in addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly.  We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role for the community.  We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
From the Music Department of Colegio Cotopaxi, we begin to prepare for the next Spring Concert, in addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly.  We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role for the community.  We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
From the Music Department of Colegio Cotopaxi, we begin to prepare for the next Spring Concert, in addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly.  We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role for the community.  We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
From the Music Department of Colegio Cotopaxi, we begin to prepare for the next Spring Concert, in addition, we are giving comprehensive growth in musical knowledge/education/good manners/polite behavior/following instructions, to prepare our students for the different roles in their future and thus manage our world responsibly.  We have all the tools and musical instruments/teaching materials to train students who are artistically capable of playing a socially perceptive and active role for the community.  We have posted signs in our music room showing signs of good behavior and following the rules within the music room.
Kindergarten has been building giant trains of base 10 blocks in the room. They then break the trains into smaller trains to 100 by skipping counting by 10s. We have went as high as 460 block trains in the room! Our class loves counting to big numbers.
about 1 year ago, Lesley Carroll
NOTICE: This morning the school experienced low water pressure issues throughout all buildings. The issue was quickly resolved and the school's water systems are now functioning normally.
about 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
We are hiring! Immediate needs are HS baseball coaches and substitute teachers. Please apply online at https://cotopaxire3.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
about 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Hiring baseball coach and substitute teacher
5th grade is investigating the Earth/Moon dynamic and how the Moon appears to cycle through phases each month with a fun Oreo cookie Moon phase project.
about 1 year ago, Josh Ellis
5th grade Pirates
5th grade Pirates
5th grade Pirates
5th grade Pirates
5th Grade Pirates
Middle school Industrial Arts have been busy sharpening their woodworking skills by building birdhouses and cutting boards. Meanwhile, the General Construction high school classes have been working diligently earning their OSHA 10 certificates!
about 1 year ago, Justin Payne - Industrial Arts Teacher
7th birdhouses
Notification: Local law enforcement and school administration collaborated today to respond to a Safe2Tell to ensure continued safety of our staff and students. Safe2Tell Colorado provides students and adults in Colorado the ability to report concerning behaviors by making safe, ANONYMOUS reports. 1-877-542-7233 or safe2tellco.org
about 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Second grade has opened an in-class store! Shopping in our store allows for students to learn the coins and bills used, as well as learn how to make change.
about 1 year ago, Michele Fishman
2 HOUR DELAY: Due to low temperatures and forecasted weather conditions, all grades, PK-12 will operate on a 2 HOUR DELAY tomorrow, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16. Buses will run two hours later than normally scheduled. Classes will start at 9:55 AM. Breakfast will not be provided. Elementary students will report to their teachers in the cafeteria. Middle School students should report to the MPR before classes. High School students should report to the High School Gym before classes. If conditions change overnight an update will be sent out tomorrow morning.
about 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Winter Sports Spirit Week this week… Monday- Winter Sports Gear Tuesday-Northern Lights, Class Colors -Elementary~ yellow -6th~ Purple -7th~ Gray -8th~ Red -9th~ Blue -10th~ Pink -11th~ Black -12th~ Green Wednesday~ Secondary, Teachers dress like students, students dress like teachers (according to dress code policy) Elementary~ Pajama Day Thursday~ Purple / Gold
about 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
DAC MEETING POSTPONED: The District Accountability Committee (DAC) Meeting originally scheduled for today at 4:30 PM has been POSTPONED. When a new date has been determined, it will be updated on the calendar.
about 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Before Christmas break, the Career/College Prep class worked on career research projects. They took the information they gathered and then created visuals to share with the underclassmen. The posters will be posted in the hallways.
about 1 year ago, Tiffany Coleman - CHS English
Joel Tezak, Terrance Evans, and Dylan Bailey display their career posters.
about 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
HEATING UPDATE: As of this morning, all classrooms, including all elementary classrooms, are warm and toasty for today's chilly weather. Repairs for the elementary rooftop unit are still scheduled to be completed as soon as possible.
about 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
5th grade dissects some owl pellets today!
about 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Owl Pellet Bone Chart
Vole Skeleton Visual
NOTICE: We are currently experiencing water pressure issues in our elementary building. Maintenance is aware of the issue and is working to resolve it. Elementary students and staff are able to access to water and facilities in other parts of the school.
about 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
This Winter our secondary students will take the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (HKCS), an important survey about student health. The survey asks students about health topics including unintentional injuries and violence; mental health; school safety; substance use; physical activity and nutrition; and risk and protective factors. A letter was sent home prior to Winter break as the survey window opens on January 3rd. If you would like your child to opt out of taking the survey, you can complete and return the attached form to the front office or email to dgulliord@cotopaxire3.org. Attached is the link to more information and the opt-out form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xLb5tUyxTGko5k86pKxUtteNuWFRQvyp/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117643875362552817557&rtpof=true&sd=true
about 1 year ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
https://colosports.chipply.com/CotopaxiPirates Cotopaxi Booster club is happy to announce a Pirate apparel store! All sales will be online, open through 12/15 and close on 1/5/24. All payments will be through the website. After the store closes we hope to see the apparel in about 3 weeks. Your orders will come directly to the school and a booster club member will contact you for pickup. Please watch after Christmas break for hats to be on sale at the school! Thank you for all your support! Cotopaxi Booster Club
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Pirate Apparel Online Shop
NO SCHOOL: Due weather conditions throughout the district, classes for all grades, PK-12 are now canceled for today, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14 - no in-person or remote learning.
over 1 year ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools