First graders finished the year of with measurement. They learned how to measure object's with different units. the also practice making sure the objects were lined up properly to get the correct measurement.
almost 2 years ago, First Grade
Aurora measuring Mrs. Gasseling
Student's measuring each with popsicle sticks.
A first grade student measuring the Promethean Board.
Students measuring each other.
High school art students spent the last week of school repainting Veterans Rock outside the main gym.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Art Department
Veterans Rock
Kindergarten and First grade recently went to Shepperly Farms Petting zoo in Canon City, where they got to pet and feed the animals. They also enjoyed helping to brush and snuggle them. They finished off the day by heading to Duck Park for lunch and some play time!!
almost 2 years ago, First Grade
Brushing out snowflake the pony.
Petting the baby sheep.
Loving on the baby guinea pigs.
Loving on the big guinea pigs too.
Baby sheep love.
Baby sheep love
Baby sheep love
Duck snuggles .
Duck snuggles.
Bunny time.
Stomp Rockets!!! Sixth graders each built a stomp rocket to launch. During the launch two teams of students tracked the rockets height and measured the angle from the ground at maximum height. They used a spotter they made with a protractor to measure the angle. After everyone launched, each student used the angles from the two teams to create a scale drawing. From the scale drawing they were able to calculate the height of their rocket. Much learning and a good time was had by all.
almost 2 years ago, Cindy Riedel
Students with stomp rockets and spotters.
NOTICE: Today, Thursday, May 18, the school initiated a hold in classroom. The hold was lifted a short time later. A hold in classroom is issued when there is a need for personal safety and confidentiality of a student or staff member. Thank you for your understanding.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
2023 1A State Track & Field Qualifiers - Congrats Pirates!
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
State Track Qualifiers
State Track Qualifiers
State Track Qualifiers
State Track Qualifiers
State Track Qualifiers
It is awards time! Parents and community are invited to celebrate our students' academic achievements at our Middle School Awards Ceremony today starting at 2:22 PM in the High School Gym. Visitors must check in at the front office before proceeding to the gym for the ceremony.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
The fifth grade students visited Badger Creek Ranch in Coaldale this past week! We enjoyed taking a tour of their farm and learning about their operations. We met their guardian dogs, sheep, chickens, piglets, horses, and even Ms. May's pups and kitten. After our tour, we planted seeds in our starter pots (veggies and flowers of our choice) followed by a sack race and pass the egg game. Our students even got to name one of the piglets, now known as Smokey. Thank you to BCR for having us! We loved everything about our ranch experience.
almost 2 years ago, Nastya May
Planting seeds at BCR.
Sack racing!
Meeting the piglets.
Walking Beau around the ranch.
Picking eggs!
NOTICE: The school is experiencing issues with the Middle School restrooms. Our facilities team is working diligently to resolve this issue. Student have access to other restroom facilities in the school while this issue is being addressed.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
UPDATE: Due to anticipated rainstorms tomorrow, Field Day has been postponed to May 23rd.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
UPDATE: As of 1:16 PM water pressure has been restored to normal levels.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
HS Baseball will play in the Regional Tournament on Saturday(5/13/23)! The #16 Pirates will play the #1 Holly Wildcats at 11:00 am in Holly. A win moves them on to the quarterfinals. GOOD LUCK PIRATES!!
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Regional Baseball @ Holly May 13, 2023 11:00 PM
NOTICE: The school is currently experiencing low water pressure across all buildings. We are monitoring the situation and our maintenance team is working diligently to address issues. Any updates will be sent as soon as possible.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Students in Astronomy use the spectroscopes they built to analyze different elements. The flames contain elements and the spectroscopes break the light into a spectrum, showing unique identifying lines for each element. This is one way astronomers determine what gases are in clouds out in space.
almost 2 years ago, Cindy Riedel
Looking at elements spectra using spectroscopes students built.
Looking at elements spectra through spectroscopes students built.
Pirate Baseball starts the District Tournament today with a home game against Kiowa, starting at 4:00 PM. The winner will go on to face ECA at 12:30 pm in the district semifinals in Colorado Springs on Saturday
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Game Day Baseball Playoffs
The Canon City Workforce Center is partnering with the Canon City High School to host a Youth Job Fair on May 3rd from 4pm-7pm. All area youth are welcome and encouraged to attend (Ages 16-24). At Canon City HS, in the Tiger Dome 4-7p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
REMOTE LEARNING: Due to snowfall and road conditions, all grades, PK-12 will be on remote learning today, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 . Please watch for instructional updates from your child’s teacher(s), and if you have any questions please contact them directly. For additional information on remote learning procedures, please check the school website. Athletes, please look for information from your coaches regarding extracurricular games and activities scheduled for today.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Good Morning Cotopaxi, Due to snow throughout the district, all students will be on remote learning for today, Wednesday, April 26, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
This afternoon, Tuesday, April 25th, the school conducted a LOCK OUT DRILL, transitioning a few minutes later to a LOCK DOWN DRILL. All staff and students did a great job following protocols and were given the opportunity to debrief. Feedback will be used to continue to improve our plans. If you get the chance, please talk to your student(s) about the drill today. If you have any questions please call the school.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Cotopaxi Summer Academy is around the corner! June 5th through June 22nd, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Lunch is provided for students. Transportation is provided as well (locations for pick-up & drop-off to be determined). All grade-levels welcome! If you are interested in having your child attend please contact Natasha Davis (front office), at 719-942-4131.
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Cotopaxi Summer Academy June 5th-June 22 , 8:30-11:30