Great news! Our Take 5 program will now be available for students 12 years of age and up! To learn more please visit: Also for more information email
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Seventh grade social studies students performed a talk show and discussed each of the three Ancient Chinese philosophies learned in class: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism.
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Treat
Seventh grade social studies students performed a talk show and discussed each of the three Ancient Chinese philosophies learned in class: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism.
Middle School Industrial Art students learn how to use the jointer in preparation for their final project!
almost 2 years ago, Justin Payne - Industrial Arts Teacher
Middle School Track competes in Monte Vista today. Go Pirates!
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
MS Track @ Monte Vista
German class made some paper bunnies, and lovely tree decor. A lovely German tradition. Students also made Easter lamb cakes! Yum.
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
German Class
Science classes are incubating ducklings. Their birthday is scheduled for May 17, 2023. Cotopaxi ducks are on their way!
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Cotopaxi ducklings arrive soon!
Agriculture classes work on hydyroponic farming! Students set-up all equipment and will soon "taste" the fruits of their labor. Great job students!
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Ag. classes work on hydroponic farming
Ms. Lesley's Kinder Class~ Tuesday and Wednesday the Kinder class were working on their first ever STEM project. The class learned about birds. They watched a video about how they protect themselves and their eggs from predators and the elements by building nests. Tuesday, they were given connecting cubes, a cup, a marshmallow Peep, and some pine straw to build their tree and nest at the top. Wednesday, we changed out the pine straw for large popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners. Soon groups were coming up with creative ways to build their tree in a way that would support and help balance their cup with a nest and Peep on top.
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
STEM and Kinder
Students watch the slow process of separation by chromatography. The class used FD&C food dyes to learn about the separation of chemicals based on their relative solubility and affinity for different solvents. The kits and supplies we used were part of a grant received from the Nathan Yip foundation. Much of the process was watching the solvent front (the liquid the strip was dipped in) travel up the chromatography paper and catching it before it hit the top. During this process the dyes were separated into individual molecule colors that made each dye. Soluble dyes traveled the furthest and dyes that weren’t as soluble moved less.
almost 2 years ago, Cindy Riedel
Watching the chromatography solvent front.
Watching the chromatography solvent front.
Watching the chromatography solvent front.
The Fremont Center for the Arts will be holding the annual Schools of Fremont County show now through April 28th. All middle and high schools in Fremont County are invited to participate. The annual art show is judged and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons are awarded. Check out for more information on the show.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Art Department
A selection of high school student work from the Fremont Center for the Arts Student Show
A selection of middle school student work from the Fremont Center for the Arts Student Show
Thank you Lion's Club for putting on a fantastic Easter Egg Hunt for the community! Lots of egg hunting, prizes, and yummy goodies for all to enjoy!
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Easter Stuffies!
Easter FUN!
Middle school leadership students cheered on the Pirates at a recent baseball game as they compete in Leadership Bingo. Each square of the bingo card has an act of leadership such as public speaking, writing a note of encouragement, and cleaning school grounds.
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Treat
Middle school leadership students cheered on the Pirates at a recent baseball game as they compete in Leadership Bingo. Each square of the bingo card has an act of leadership such as public speaking, writing a note of encouragement, and cleaning up school grounds.
Our 11th graders kick off the Science CMAS tomorrow, and then more testing follows the remainder of April! Check out the staff motivational video to all of our students to get them ready to tackle those tests with determination and excellence!
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
UPDATE: Repairs for the rooftop unit in the elementary that was experiencing issues are expected to be completed tomorrow, April 5th. These repairs should resolve the issues experienced over the last couple of weeks with lower temperatures in the 2nd-5th Grade classrooms. Our facilities team has been working diligently to ensure that our school is a comfortable and safe learning environment for your children, and we appreciate your patience during this time.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
NOTICE: Due to high winds today the #3 bus (Ms. Tammy) will drive an alternate route this afternoon. As in the past, drop-off times will be altered. Please see drop-off times below: ​4:09 PM - CR 1A 4:13 PM - Flying Eagle Trail 4:20 PM - HWY 69/1A 4:35 PM - The Y 4:37 PM - Shannon Road 4:44 PM - CR 27A 4:49 PM - L Path 4:54 PM - Elkhorn Rd 4:59 PM - 17th Trail 5:02 PM - 12th Trail 5:02 PM - Palmer Rd (The Palmer Rd stop will drop off at 12th Trail)
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
PROM SPIRIT WEEK - March 27-30 Monday - M&M Day Tuesday - Toga Wednesday - Royalty/High Roller Thursday - Purple & Gold Day - Pay $1 to the Junior Class to wear your hat on Thursday
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
NOTICE: The 2nd-5th Grade classrooms are currently experiencing issues with one of the rooftop heating units, causing lower temperatures inside classrooms. The other rooftop unit is still operational, and there is baseboard heat and space heaters available as needed. We are monitoring temperatures, our maintenance supervisor is aware and working diligently to resolve this issue and repairs will be completed as soon as possible.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming! We encourage all families to stop by the school next week, March 27-31st from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM to check out the book fair.
almost 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Cotopaxi Book Fair March 27-31
Cotopaxi HS Track competes today at Dutch Clark Stadium. Come out for some sunshine and Spring air and cheer on Cotopaxi student-athletes. Go Pirates!
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales
Dutch Clark Stadium
Next year's High School students (9-12th grade), reviewed course options for the 2023-2024 school year earlier this week. Eleventh and 12th graders previewed FMI course pathways as well. Student's will be building schedules upon their return from break. Feel free to review the courses using the link below:
almost 2 years ago, Principal - Jennifer Gonzales